Well, hello! Sorry it’s been such a while since the last update, but (like everyone else) we’ve been waiting on a lot of uncertainty with regard to Abbey Road studios, due to COVID-19. We were due to start 2021 off with a trip down there in late January, but unfortunately lockdown 2 (or was it 3??) put paid to that. So then we rescheduled for March, but again, no dice. We then rescheduled for the end of May, but have just been told yesterday by Abbey Road that they are still implementing strict measures until the end of July/ early August, so we’re hoping to get down there then and get the album finished, pressed and posted out to everyone who has kindly preordered a copy.
Given that it takes a little while to get the album mastered and then, ultimately, pressed as CDs, we think it is looking like September before we’ll be able to post them out, and we’re really sorry to have kept you waiting so long for the music which you have kindly supported. Hopefully you’ll be patient and bear with us (and Abbey Road) until they will allow us to record there, and we really hope it will be worth the wait! We think it will (but then we would say that!)
What we’ve tried to do with this foray into writing our own songs is give the best value for money that we can, given the kindness and patience you’ve shown us so far. Originally, the idea was simply to write one song each, go down to Abbey Road and record the three songs, but now that it has evolved into a preorder situation to cover the recording cost, we’ve decided to fill it with as much music as we possibly can, and so the track listing currently stands at 14 all-original songs and we’re so pleased that we could use the period of no live shows to get creative and plough our efforts into something new.
Speaking of which, we’ve actually enjoyed writing the songs so much that we’d like to keep doing it (we’ve actually started writing songs for a second album already!). And while we will be recording this album as the three of us (with a few special guests), we’d like to put a full band together to be able to take the show on the road as something separate from The Threetles (which we’ll keep doing as well, as we still love playing Beatles songs too!)
So, to that end, we’ve decided to call the originals project ‘one iota’ and release the album under that name, so that it has the legs to develop into something else. We couldn’t very well have a four or five piece originals band calling itself The Threetles!
We’re hoping to have a big album launch show once the album is out and we are able to organise such an event, and we can’t wait to celebrate with you once we’re finally on the ‘otherside’ of this pandemic.
In the meantime, don’t forget that you can have a listen to the lead track from the album, ‘The Otherside’ on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon and all the rest, and we’re hoping to release more music in the coming months too.
Thank you so much for your support so far – we really appreciate it and literally couldn’t do what we’re doing without it.
All the best, and hopefully we’ll see you back in the real world in the coming months. The first Threetles gig is booked for Friday 25th June, and we can’t wait – check the ‘Events’ section for other dates this year – more are being added regularly.
Adam, James & Andy