Exciting news indeed! This week we heard from Abbey Road studios to say that we can definitely record there in September as we’d hoped. Their restrictions are easing over the coming weeks and they will be welcoming us in, with no restrictions, on 18th and 19th September so that we can get the album finished!
Needless to say, we are delighted at this news, and it means that we can have the album mastered, the album artwork printed, the CDs pressed and the jiffy bags stamped and posted out during late October or early November. It’s not quite the summer release we were hoping for, but we hope you’ll bear with us for a few months longer.
The album will feature 14 all-original songs, which are all very harmony-led pop songs. The three of us have each written songs for the album, and each take lead vocals on different songs, but you’ll hear the recognisable harmonies weaving throughout all of the songs, as well as the songwriting twists and turns we’ve picked up from getting inside The Beatles’ music in recent years. It’s by no means a Beatles pastiche though (that sounds like something you might get from a novelty bakery!) and there are many more influences you’ll hear in the music. If you’d like to sample some of the music we have already recorded, pop along to http://thethreetles.co.uk/shop to download our latest single (Summer Daze) for absolutely free!
As we have really enjoyed writing and recording our own material, we have decided to create a new band, called One Iota. So, going forwards, The Threetles will just be about the celebration of the music of The Beatles, and One Iota will have its own website and space to explore our own compositions.
In the meantime though, as we get everything in order, the place to pre-order the album is right here, at http://thethreetles.co.uk/shop, where you’ll be able to choose from lots of customisable options. In fact, these are now the last few weeks that you’ll still be able to have your name printed in the album booklet as a thank you and recognition for your kind support; once we hit September, we’ll need to be sending the artwork off to the printers.
Looking a little further ahead, we have a really exciting launch show planned for Friday 21st January at the Joseph Rowntree theatre, York. This will likely be the only live show One Iota will perform next year (unless we get the chance to do any festivals in the summer) so we will be going all out to make it really special. We’re currently in the process of arranging for some orchestral accompaniment for the songs, along with the best sound and lighting system we can source, so if you like the music, this will be a show not to be missed and we would love you to join us. In fact, if you have already pre-ordered the album, and have chosen one of the packages that gives you a complimentary ticket to one or more of our shows, you will be entitled to use this at the album launch show – we’ll be in touch directly with more details about this when the tickets go on sale next month.
Well, we’ll be taking plenty of photos when we’re at Abbey Road (including the zebra crossing, of course!) but until then, please check out our live dates (including August’s legendary Beatleweek in Liverpool which we can’t wait to perform at) and we’ll hopefully see you at one or more of the shows.
Best wishes for the summer!
Adam, James & Andy